Ok I’m back.


I missed this blog. Tumblr spoiled blogging for me. Perhaps that’s why my IQ has dropped a couple hundred points.

I’m sorry to keep making you change your bookmarks / blogroll links or whatever but I’m a Gemini yo and we don’t tend to stay at things for very long. Anyway Tumblr has fully customisable layouts! Which is awesome.

Bye bye wordpress! It was fun getting so many hits a day and pretending I was popular or something.


… a birthday party. The host was turning five, a big occasion. I’d missed my own because of the coma, but I wasn’t looking forward to it because I anticipated a sombre affair, you know, when a child’s innocence shows signs of strain and the five-year-old begins, with sadness and alarm, to question why he’s suddenly torn between ambition and the desire to sleep longer. Depressing!

Mr Tourette

Mr Tourette

Canadia okay

Canadia okay

Sorry, I should blog more about like, my life or whatever, but I am insanely tired trying to avoid deadlines and freelance editors and the like, SO I only have time to care about things like sharing music with you!

Anyway the Internet is truly GOD, because it keeps popping out cool stuff, like this little site SonicSwap which lets you put your iTunes playlists online. I loooove sharing things with people (let me talk to you about TimesPeople another day ok?) and stealing things from people, especially good music, so it’s awesome, yeah?

Anyway, here’s my current short short playlist for you: [insertbandname]

It has good things like Born Ruffians, Cold War Kids and um yeah of course Vampire Weekend. I’ll make a sexy reggae playlist for you some other day. 🙂

i need more reggae in my life, too.

Double twee


Not exactly favourite or new, but the combination of Regina Spektor and Ben Folds is like double cuteness you have to watch:

Check out Regina’s OBAMA belt 🙂

The new Coldplay video made its way to my inbox this morning, so I feel compelled to share:

What I actually wanted to share was that hilarious non-conversation that Yasmine and I overheard while inching out of the Chiba Marine stadium during Summerfest after Summer Sonic,  between two American dudes (yes, DUDES) who seemed really perplexed by Chris Martin’s stage posturing, trying to figure out whether it meant he was going nuts or had officially sold out or something I couldn’t really follow properly.

Which reminds me of another conversation I heard while walking out of my hostel on the day before Summer Sonic:

Guy 1 to Guy 2: It’s like, capitalism, man. That’s like, the problem.

Guy 2: Yeah man.




So have you seen Katie Couric interviewing Sarah Palin? You really should, because it’ll make you cringe realllll good.

In this video, Katie Couric asks Sarah why she think Alaska’s proximity to Russia has any bearing whatsoever on her ability to handle America’s foreign policy as potential VP (and potential P – McBush doesn’t look too sprightly, you know?)

She waffles, OF COURSE, and it’s hilarious.

Also hilarious? These comments from Gawker:

– I have fashion experience since I work in the same building as Elle

– and u can call me marie, queen of romania, cuz i had goulash one time in the dining hall at camp

– I’m able to solve the problems in the Middle East because I am currently eating a falafel.

– I have famous actor experience because I once stood behind Keanu Reeves at a Farmer’s Market in Hollywood.

– I shop at the Farmer’s Market on Sundays so I feel qualified handling international relations. Plus I can now name a lot of vegetables I couldn’t before.

– I took a birth control pill this morning, So I am clearly qualified to take on our health care policies and drug companies…

For more Palin hilarity, you must also see this: Worst of Sarah Palin’s Katie Couric Interview (So Far)

Did I mention that I love Gawker?

I offer you some Thursday goodies, mainly new songs that I discovered while not sleeping after sahur this morning:

1) A different, but still lovely, version of Edith Piaf (by the very lovely My Brightest Diamond)

2) Vampire Weekend does more of their (what I think is) baroque pop thingy with, yes, 500% more violin!

pssst if anyone wants the mp3s, you know wat to do